Methods |
Type of study: RCT Method of treatment allocation: random‐number table generated randomisation sequence with consecutive sealed envelopes used. Stratification: none stated Placebo: no Sample size calculation: no Intention‐to‐treat analyses: yes Losses to follow‐up: no Funding: not stated |
Participants |
Location: Wake Forest University Medical Center, North Carolina, USA Timeframe: not stated in manuscript, the study is coded as 1980s for the review Eligibility criteria: women with PROM Gestational age range: 28 and 34 weeks Exclusion criteria: fetal distress, active labour, cervical dilatation > 3 cm, sensitivity to tocolytics, PROM > 24 h, existing infection Total recruited: 44 women and infants; 22 women and infants in each arm |
Interventions |
3 treatment arms. Group 1, 2 doses of 6 mg or 12 mg betamethasone IM 12 h apart, delivery 24‐48 h after PROM and after 24 h of corticosteroid therapy. Group 2, delivery 24‐48 h after PROM. Group 3, expectant management. We did not include Group 3 in the review. |
Outcomes |
Fetal/neonatal outcomes (neonatal death, RDS, proven neonatal infection while in NICU) and health service outcome reported (length of neonatal hospitalisation) |
Notes |
Authors provided further information |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) |
Low risk |
Random‐number table generated randomisation sequence |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) |
Unclear risk |
Consecutive sealed envelopes were used, not stated if opaque |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes |
High risk |
Blinding of participants and personnel was not possible due to the nature of the comparison. |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes |
Unclear risk |
Blinding of outcome assessment was not described. |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes |
Low risk |
No losses to follow‐up or exclusions |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) |
Low risk |
Study protocol not available, but appears to report on all pre‐specified outcomes |
Other bias |
Unclear risk |
Insufficient information to asses if other sources of bias exist. |