Methods |
Multi‐centre, parallel, open‐label RCT
Duration of study: January 2007‐September 2009 |
Participants |
Setting: 8 academic and 52 non‐academic hospitals in the Netherlands Participants: 532 women
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Monochorionic multiple pregnancy
Abnormal (non‐reassuring) cardiotocogram
Meconium‐stained amniotic fluid
Signs of intrauterine infection
Major fetal anomalies
Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP syndrome)
Severe pre‐eclampsia
Interventions |
Intervention: induction of labour within 24 h after randomisation. Induction performed according to national guidelines. After vaginal examination, labour induced with either prostaglandin or oxytocin, or caesarean section performed as soon as feasible in case of planned caesarean Control: expectant management
Monitored according to local protocol until spontaneous birth, which could be outpatient or inpatient
Daily maternal temperature, monitoring and twice‐weekly blood sampling for maternal leukocyte count and C‐reactive protein measurement
Criteria for delivery in the expectant group of women
Induced at 37 weeks according to national guidelines
If planned caesarean section, caesarean section performed as soon as labour commenced
Induction of labour < 37 weeks if clinical signs of infection or other fetal or maternal indication for birth
Tocolysis and prophylactic antibiotics used according to local protocols Corticosteroids given in PPROM < 34 weeks' gestation Vaginal examinations not performed in the absence of labour |
Outcomes |
Antepartum haemorrhage
Uterine rupture
Umbilical cord prolapse
Signs of chorioamnionitis (defined as fever before or during labour and a temperature < 37.5°C on 2 occasions more than 1 h apart before or during labour, or a temperature > 38.0°C on 1 occasion with uterine tenderness)
Maternal or fetal tachycardia (or a foul‐smelling vaginal discharge in absence of any other cause of hyperpyrexia)
Maternal sepsis (defined as a temperature > 38.5°C and a positive blood culture or circulatory instability requiring intensive care monitoring)
Thromboembolic complications
Urinary tract infection treated with antibiotics
Endometritis (defined as a temperature > 38.0°C on 2 occasions at least 1 h apart after the 1st 24 h postpartum with associated uterine tenderness)
Anaphylactic shock
HELLP syndrome
Maternal death
Other complications
Total length of hospital stay
Admission to the ICU
Mode of birth
Need for anaesthesia
Neonatal sepsis:
positive blood culture at birth (excluding Staph epidermidis)
2 or more symptoms of infection (apnoea, temperature instability, lethargy, feeding intolerance, respiratory distress, haemodynamic instability) within 72 h after birth plus 1 of the following: positive blood culture, C‐reactive protein > 20 mmol/L, positive surface cultures of a known virulent pathogen
Wet lung
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Late onset neonatal sepsis
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Intraventricular haemorrhage
Periventricular leucomalacia
Other neurological abnormalities
Other complications
Intrapartum death
Total length of hospital stay and admission
Length of stay on NICU
Notes |
Gestational age was based either on first trimester ultrasound scan or, in women with a regular cycle, on the first day of the last menstrual cycle if the expected date of birth differed less than 7 days from that estimated by ultrasound. In women with unknown EDD, gestational age was estimated by 2nd trimester ultrasound measurements.
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) |
Low risk |
A computer‐generated randomisation schedule was used in a 1:1 ratio using a block size of 4, stratified for centre and parity. |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) |
Low risk |
Randomisation allocation was performed on a central password‐protected web‐based application. |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes |
Low risk |
Blinding not possible due to intervention. However this was likely low risk of bias due to objective and specific assessment criteria for outcomes, where lack of blinding did not affect treatment decisions or other aspects of care. |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes |
Low risk |
Criteria for sepsis were entered in the database and the case was judged by an independent panel of paediatricians who were unaware of the allocation of randomisation. |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes |
Low risk |
Data analysed on intention‐to‐treat basis. 2 participants were excluded post randomisation from the primary intention‐to‐treat analysis due to ineligibility. |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) |
Low risk |
All a‐priori outcomes were reported on. |
Other bias |
Low risk |
None noted |