(A–D) Representative images taken after soft tissue cleaning of 2-month-old Dusp1+/+ (n = 4) and Dusp1–/– mice (n = 4). Lateral (A), medial (B), rostral (C) and caudal (D) views. Co, cochlea; Lsc, lateral semicircular canal; Ow, oval window; Pscl, posterior semicircular canal; Rw, round window; Ssc, superior semicircular canal . (E–F) Representative images of the middle ear ossicles of Dusp1+/+ (n = 4) (E) and Dusp1–/– (n = 4) (F) mice. Malleus (left), incus (center) and stapes (right) at 2 months of age. Scale bars: (A–D), 1 mm,;(E–F), 500 μm.