A) Percentage of offspring of each genotype from heterozygous dscamb mutant crosses that survived to different time points. Multinomial exact test for goodness-of-fit (predicted proportions wt:het:mut = 0.25:0.75:0.25) p-value: 7dpf = 0.80, 10dpf =0.74, 13dpf =0.73, 16dpf =0.046, 19dpf =0.25, 34dpf =0.0013, 60dpf =0.0017.
B) Representative images of 7dpf larvae in three categories of fluorescent food intake.
C) Percentage of each genotype in each food intake category. Fisher’s exact test of independence across all groups: p = 0.00050. Post-hoc Fisher’s exact test with Bonferroni correction: full × partial p = 1.2e-10, full × empty p = 4.1e-13, partial × empty p = 1.0.
D) Percentage of each food intake category in each genotype. Fisher’s exact test of independence across all groups: p = 0.00050. Post-hoc Fisher’s exact test with Bonferroni correction: wt × het p = 0.81, wt × mut p = 2.2e-12, het × mut p = 1.8e-13.
E) Quantification of number of gulps during a 20sec movie for 7dpf heterozygous and homozygous mutants. Each data point represents one fish. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test: p = 0.99. Middle line is the median; lower and upper ends of boxes are 25th and 75th percentiles.