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. 2017 Jan 20;2017(1):CD006787. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006787.pub3

Thaut 2007.

Methods RCT
 2‐arm parallel‐group design
Participants Participants with subacute hemiparetic stroke
Diagnosis: 65 (83%) middle cerebral artery stroke; 8 (11%) internal capsule stroke; 4 (5%) basal ganglia/thalamus stroke; 1 (1%) subdural haematoma
Time since onset: approximately 21 days
N randomised to experimental group: 43
N randomised to control group: 35
N analysed in experimental group: 43
N analysed in control group: 35
Mean age: 69.2 years (SD 11.5) experimental group; 69.7 years (SD 11.2) control group
 Sex: 37 (47%) female, 41 (53%) male
 Ethnicity: not reported
 Setting: 2 research centres
 Country: USA and Germany
Interventions 2 study groups:
1. Music intervention group: RAS
 2. Control group: standard neurodevelopmental therapy/Bobath
 Number of sessions: 15 sessions in total, once daily for 5 days over 3 weeks
 Length of sessions: 30 minutes
Outcomes Gait parameters: velocity, stride length, cadence, symmetry: post‐test scores were used
 Participant satisfaction with treatment: F statistic and P values used
Notes The RAS employed in this study used metronome beat in combination with recorded music. Quote: "RAS training followed established protocols using a metronome and specifically prepared music tapes in digital MIDI format to ensure temporal precision and tempo stability as well as full capacity for frequency modulation of the stimulus based on patient needs" (p456)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer‐generated list of random numbers
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Serially numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk It is not possible to blind participants receiving RAS or the personnel involved in delivering RAS. Quote: "Therapists were not blinded to the treatment conditions of the study. However, because both conditions are considered full treatment conditions, no performance bias was expected." (p456)
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 Subjective outcomes Unclear risk Subjective outcomes included participant satisfaction, however the measures used and the methods of data collection were not reported
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 Objective outcomes Low risk Quote: “Both groups were assessed by blinded physical therapists” (p456)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk 23% dropouts in German centre, 10% in US centre (absolute numbers are not reported)
 Reasons: hospital transfer, early discharge, medical complications, unspecified personal reasons
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk There are no indications of selective reporting for this study
Free from financial conflict of interest Low risk No funding support was reported