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. 2014 Apr 10;2014(4):CD008965. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008965.pub4


Methods Randomised, placebo‐controlled, multicentre study of oseltamivir (Ro 64‐0796) in the treatment of influenza in Japanese participants
Participants Over 16 years of age; present within 36 hours of onset of symptoms of fever > 38.0 °C, plus 2 influenza symptoms
Interventions 75 mg capsules, Ro 64‐0796/V14 batch no. GMZ 0129/03
Matching placebo capsules: Ro 64‐0796/V16 batch no. GMZ 0136
Outcomes Primary outcome
The time to alleviation of all symptoms
Secondary outcomes
Total symptom score AUC
Change in virus titre
Time to return to the afebrile state
Adverse events
Notes The available study report is a 29‐page document in Japanese. The design and methods are similar to those of WV 15670 and 15671 (the "pivotal" treatment trials in adults) and the trial was intended as a "bridge" with the Western trial programme. The report does not contain any supporting data (i.e. statistical analysis plan, protocol, amendments, certificates of analysis and audit, randomisation lists, lists of investigators, IRB clearance and individual listings)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available
Allocation concealment (selection bias) High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 Symptoms High risk 92 participants excluded in efficacy analysis because infection with influenza virus could not be verified in the efficacy analysis
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 Complications of influenza High risk 92 participants excluded in efficacy analysis because infection with influenza virus could not be verified in the efficacy analysis
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 Safety data High risk No drop‐outs because of harms were reported but no breakdown by on‐ and off‐treatment status reported
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available
Other bias High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not specified as protocol and methods section were not available