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. 2015 Nov 7;2015(11):CD006876. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006876.pub4

Yoo 2013

Methods RCT
Method of randomisation: not clearly described
Participants Country: South Korea
Sample size: 22
Inclusion criteria: no visual neglect or impaired cognitive function (Mini‐Mental State Examination score > 24 points), written informed consent
Exlusion criteria: none
Interventions 2 groups:
  1. 3‐dimensional robot‐assisted therapy (RAT) and conventional rehabilitation therapy (CRT) for a total of 90 minutes (RAT: 30 minutes, CRT: 60 minutes) a day with 10 minutes rest halfway through the session, received training 3 days a week for 6 weeks

  2. the control group received only CRT for 60 minutes a day on the same days as the first group

Outcomes Outcomes were recorded at baseline and post‐treatment after 6 weeks
  • WMFT

  • BBT

  • modified Barthel Index

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: "Subjects were randomly assigned to..." The method of randomisation is not described
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not described
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes Low risk Quote: "Patients and investigators were blind to the test results and intervention grouping because this study used a double‐blinded design."
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Insufficient information to permit judgement

ADL: activities of daily living AMAT: Arm Motor Ability Test ARAT: Action Research Arm Test BBT: Box and Block Test CG: control group CMSA: Chedoke‐McMaster Stroke Assessment EG: experimental group EMG: electromyography FIM: Functional Independence Measure FMA: Fugl‐Meyer Assessment MAL: Motor Activity Log MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale MIME: mirror image motion enabler MRC: Medical Research Council NIH: National Institutes of Health RCT: randomised controlled trial RT: robot training SD: standard deviation SIS: Stroke Impact Scale WMFT: Wolf Motor Function Test