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. 2014 Apr 22;2014(4):CD001920. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001920.pub3

Giraux 2008.

Methods Design: multi‐centre RCT
Participants Estimated enrolment: n = 240
Inclusion criteria: "(1) Patients must be aged between 18 to 75 years, with a first ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke at least six months ago and no longer than two years ago, without a subsequent stroke. It must have caused initially complete hemiplegia of the right or left hemibody, but they must be able [to] walk alone with or without technical assistance over a distance of at least 10m. They must be able to change direction too and (2) They must have a functional ambulation classification score between 4 and 6 during the inclusion"
Exclusion criteria: "(1) We will exclude patients with a neurological history other than a stroke, a psychiatric illness, or an associated debilitating disease, (2) They must not have an associated cerebella syndrome or a clinical brainstem attack and (3) We will refuse patients who are pregnant, who have not signed the written consent and who aren't entitled to a social security scheme"
Interventions "(1) Active comparator: patients who continue physical therapy sessions during two months. Intervention: behavioural—two physical therapy sessions per week for two months"
"(2) No intervention: patients who stop physical therapy sessions during two months. Intervention: behavioural—patients who stop two physical therapy sessions per week for two months"
Outcomes Primary outcome measures: average number of steps/d recorded over three days in an outpatient setting. To be measured at day three and then six months later
Secondary outcome measures: Six‐Minute Walking test, Wade's test, Rivermead Mobility Index score and Barthel Index. These will be measured at day zero and at day 55
Notes Clarification of intervention sought but not obtained