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. 2015 Nov 30;2015(11):CD011975. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011975

Summary of findings 2. Performance of other first trimester serum test strategies with or without maternal age.

Test strategy Studies Women (cases) Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI) Threshold
Without maternal age
Single tests
AFP 2 2248 (104) 10 (4 to 21) 95 5% FPR
ADAM 12 1 579 (17) 41 (18 to 67) 95 (93 to 97) 5% FPR
Free ßhCG to AFP ratio 1 476 (9) 11 (0 to 48) 98 (96 to 99) 0.25 MoM
Inhibin 3 2098 (184) 19 (4 to 58) 95 5% FPR
PlGF 1 699 (90) 28 (19 to 38) 95 (93 to 97) 5% FPR
Total hCG 3 2098 (184) 19 (4 to 58) 95 5% FPR
SP1 3 1080 (53) 32 (1 to 96) 95 5% FPR
uE3 1 1110 (85) 13 (7 to 22) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
Double tests
Free ßhCG and AFP 1 1138 (19) 16 (3 to 40) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
Free ßhCG and Inhibin 1 876 (76) 30 (20 to 42) 95 (93 to 96) 5% FPR
PAPP‐A and free ßhCG 2 795 (106) 64 (50 to 76) 95 5% FPR
Triple tests
Total hCG, free αhCG and progesterone 1 129 (17) 53 (28 to 77) 96 (90 to 99) 0.34 MoM
With maternal age
Single tests
ADAM 12 2 703 (46) 67 (46 to 83) 91 (87 to 94) 1:400 risk
AFP 2 1397 (126) 33 (23 to 46) 95 5% FPR
Free αhCG 1 512 (12) 25 (5 to 57) 89 (86 to 91) 1:384 risk
GHBP 1 335 (74) 27 (17 to 39) 95 (91 to 97) 1:250 risk
hPL 1 183 (47) 45 (30 to 60) 93 (88 to 97) 1:250 risk
Inhibin 1 1110 (85) 32 (22 to 43) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
ITA 1 278 (54) 48 (34 to 62) 95 (91 to 98) 5% FPR
PGH 1 335 (74) 41 (29 to 53) 94 (91 to 97) 1:250 risk
PlGF 1 699 (90) 43 (33 to 54) 95 (93 to 97) 5% FPR
ProMBP 1 181 (25) 36 (18 to 57) 94 (89 to 97) 1:250 risk
SP1 2 804 (29) 38 (22 to 56) 95 5% FPR
Total hCG 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 94 (92 to 96) 1:384 risk
uE3 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 86 (83 to 89) 1:384 risk
Double tests
ADAM 12 and PAPP‐A 1 691 (46) 61 (45 to 75) 95 (93 to 97) 5% FPR
AFP and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 87 (83 to 89) 1:384 risk
AFP and total hCG 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 93 (90 to 95) 1:384 risk
AFP and uE3 1 512 (12) 42 (15 to 72) 87 (84 to 90) 1:384 risk
Free ßhCG and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 42 (15 to 72) 94 (91 to 96) 1:384 risk
Free ßhCG and Inhibin 1 1110 (85) 44 (33 to 55) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
Free ßhCG and total hCG 1 512 (12) 25 (5 to 57) 93 (90 to 95) 1:384 risk
Free ßhCG and uE3 1 287 (41) 61 (45 to 76) 95 (92 to 97) 5% FPR
GHBP and free ßhCG 1 335 (74) 61 (49 to 72) 92 (88 to 95) 1:250 risk
GHBP and PAPP‐A 1 335 (74) 66 (54 to 77) 93 (89 to 96) 1:250 risk
GHBP and PGH 1 335 (74) 47 (36 to 59) 93 (90 to 96) 1:250 risk
hPL and free ßhCG 1 183 (47) 68 (53 to 81) 94 (89 to 97) 1:250 risk
hPL and PAPP‐A 1 183 (47) 55 (40 to 70) 94 (89 to 97) 1:250 risk
PAPP‐A and AFP 2 2705 (116) 63 (50 to 74) 95 5% FPR
PAPP‐A and Inhibin 1 1110 (85) 68 (57 to 78) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
PAPP‐A and ITA 2 622 (78) 62 (46 to 75) 95 5% FPR
PGH and free ßhCG 1 335 (74) 64 (52 to 74) 93 (89 to 96) 1:250 risk
PGH and PAPP‐A 1 335 (74) 65 (53 to 76) 93 (89 to 96) 1:250 risk
Total hCG and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 42 (15 to 72) 92 (89 to 94) 1:384 risk
Total hCG and Inhibin 1 1110 (85) 34 (24 to 45) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
Total hCG and PAPP‐A 2 4327 (133) 66 (54 to 76) 95 5% FPR
Total hCG and uE3 1 512 (12) 42 (15 to 72) 92 (89 to 94) 1:384 risk
uE3 and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 89 (86 to 91) 1:384 risk
Triple tests
AFP, free αhCG and uE3 1 512 (12) 58 (28 to 85) 82 (79 to 85) 1:384 risk
Free ßhCG, AFP and uE3 1 287 (41) 66 (49 to 80) 95 (92 to 97) 5% FPR
GHBP, PAPP‐A and free ßhCG 1 335 (74) 76 (64 to 85) 94 (91 to 97) 1:250 risk
PAPP‐A, total hCG and Inhibin 1 1110 (85) 69 (58 to 79) 95 (94 to 96) 5% FPR
PGH, PAPP‐A and free ßhCG 1 335 (74) 76 (64 to 85) 94 (91 to 97) 1:250 risk
Total hCG, AFP and uE3 1 512 (12) 42 (15 to 72) 91 (88 to 94) 1:384 risk
Quadruple tests
Free ßhCG, total hCG, AFP and uE3 1 512 (12) 50 (21 to 79) 92 (89 to 94) 1:384 risk
Total hCG, AFP, uE3 and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 50 (21 to 79) 90 (87 to 92) 1:384 risk
Quintuple tests
Free ßhCG, total hCG, AFP, uE3 and free αhCG 1 512 (12) 33 (10 to 65) 90 (87 to 92) 1:384 risk

AFP: alpha‐fetoprotein; αhCG: alpha human chorionic gonadotrophin; ßhCG: beta human chorionic gonadotrophin; CI: confidence interval; FPR: false positive rate; GHBP: growth hormone binding protein; hCG: human chorionic gonadotrophin; hPL: human placental lactogen; ITA: invasive trophoblast antigen; PAPP‐A: pregnancy‐associated plasma protein A; PGH: placental growth hormone; PIGF: placental growth factor; PROMBP: proform of eosinophil major basic protein; SPI: Schwangerschafts protein 1; uE3: unconjugated oestriol

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