E. acervulina
No gross lesion |
A few white spots on the mucosal surface of the duodenum |
Lesions much closer together but not coalescent, which may extend to 20 cm in the jejunum |
Coalescent lesions and watery content. |
White aspect of the mucosal surface. No feed, watery content. White creamy exudate. |
E. maxima
No gross lesion |
Small red petechiae on the serosal side of the mid-intestine |
Numerous petechiae. Possible orange mucus |
Ballooning and thickening of the intestine. Much orange mucus and watery content. |
Ballooning of all the intestine. Orange mucus, blood clots and digested blood. |
E. tenella
No gross lesion |
Very few petechiae on the cecal wall. Pasty cecal content. |
More petechiae. Cecal wall somewhat thickened. Blood mixed with cecal content. |
Cecal wall greatly thickened. Only blood or blood cores. |
Cecal wall greatly distended with blood or fibrinous cores. |