Figure 3.
Summary of LD proteome in THP1 macrophages during Mtb infection. (a) Outline of the workflow: Lipid droplets were isolated from macrophages that were infected with either heat killed or live Mtb. The LD fraction was delipidated and trypsinized, and peptides thereof subjected to TMT labeling as indicated (in technical triplicates), followed by mass spectrometry. Experiments 1 and 2 are biological replicates (R1 and R2 indicate biological replicates for conditions, and T1, T2, and T3 indicate technical replicates). (b) Volcano plot representing significantly differentially abundant (FDR adjusted p-value <0.05) proteins; pink region reflects proteins increased by a ratio of >1.3 while blue region reflects protein decreased by a ratio <0.7 (live Mtb/heat killed Mtb). (c) Hierarchical clustering of differentially abundant proteins representing z scores of normalized abundance values from all technical and biological replicates. (d) Functional classification of 86 differentially abundant proteins listed in (c).