(A) Orthotopic model establishment: injection of 1 × 106 A2780-luc
cells in the ovary bursa of nude mice. Representative macroscopic
images of ovarian tumor masses obtained are showed in the bottom panels.
(B) Representative pseudocolor BLI images tracking A2780-luc cells
emission in mice, 7, 14, and 21 days after A2780-luc injection. Color
bar represents light intensity levels reported as counts per minute
(cpm). (C) Levels of ROI after 1 week of treatment; data are reported
as mean of each group (n = 10 animals/group) ±
SD (**p < 0.01). (D) Volume of tumor masses (mean
± SD) at the sacrifice after 3 weeks from injection of A2780-luc
cells (control group, n = 8; AF, n = 5; Et3PAuI, n = 5). *p <
0.05, **p < 0.01. Further details are reported
in the Supporting Information.