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. 2019 Apr 16;14(4):e0214924. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214924

Table 3. Baseline assessment: clinician-administered assessment tools and self-reports.

Violent group (N = 126) Controls (N = 121) Test* p-value
Mean SD Mean SD
    Affect-Anxiety 11.17 4.11 10.70 4.19 –0.73 0.463
    Activation 11.67 4.75 9.55 3.09 –3.81 <0.001
    Negative Symptoms 5.48 3.15 5.26 2.72 –0.57 0.572
    Psychotic Symptoms 12.38 5.47 10.88 3.50 –1.16 0.247
    Total score 41.01 11.75 36.85 8.89 –2.43 0.015
    Physical functioning 24.13 1.44 24.25 1.34 0.83 0.406
    Self-care 33.24 3.14 33.37 3.12 0.44 0.663
    Interpersonal relationships 23.90 5.94 24.93 5.63 1.46 0.143
    Social acceptability/adjustment 23.69 4.03 26.96 2.70 6.81 <0.001
    Activities 48.51 7.39 49.80 6.02 1.03 0.303
    Work skills 21.51 6.57 23.16 6.11 1.91 0.056
    Total score 40.38 12.44 33.59 9.68 –3.91 <0.001
    Attentional impulsiveness 15.40 4.32 14.51 3.80 –1.47 0.142
    Motor impulsiveness 22.64 4.86 21.37 4.55 –1.85 0.064
    Non-planning impulsiveness 27.21 5.38 26.42 5.38 –1.21 0.228
    Total score 64.81 11.56 62.10 10.41 –1.62 0.105
    Assault 4.58 2.61 4.43 2.45 0.17 0.683
    Indirect aggression 4.62 2.25 4.56 1.73 0.05 0.822
    Irritability 4.11 2.60 4.00 2.29 0.09 0.759
    Negativism 2.63 1.57 2.31 1.54 2.02 0.157
    Resentment 3.90 1.98 3.89 2.35 0.00 0.976
    Suspicion 4.13 2.38 4.28 2.62 0.15 0.702
    Verbal aggression 6.61 2.82 6.25 2.49 0.82 0.367
    Guilt 4.88 2.33 4.36 2.33 2.26 0.135
    Total score 35.58 14.58 34.62 12.57 0.19 0.665
    State anger 33.44 200.23 31.47 17.68 –0.29 0.770
    Feeling angry 24.48 23.79 25.67 23.39 –0.10 0.919
    Feel like expressing anger verbally 24.58 24.46 24.42 21.88 –0.23 0.818
    Feel like expressing anger physically 23.32 23.44 23.73 22.26 –0.04 0.969
    Trait anger 32.97 19.42 29.07 16.02 –1.29 0.197
    Angry temperament 25.42 23.82 23.87 21.12 –1.43 0.153
    Angry reaction 25.38 23.34 23.14 19.14 –0.72 0.474
    Anger expression-out 30.14 20.99 26.17 16.41 –1.74 0.083
    Anger expression-in 30.93 19.96 31.77 19.14 0.15 0.878
    Anger control-out 27.91 13.61 33.00 15.37 2.72 0.006
    Anger control-in 31.20 15.47 35.05 16.63 2.06 0.040
    Anger expression index 46.45 16.83 39.91 15.15 –2.84 0.005

BDHI = Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory; BGLHA = Brown-Goodwin Lifetime History of Aggression; BIS-11 = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; BPRS-E = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; SLOF = Specific Levels Of Functioning; STAXI-2 = Scale State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2.

* Mann-Whitney test for BPRS-E, SLOF, BGLHA, BIS, STAXI-2; ANOVA for BDHI.