Figure 4. Characterization of Sox2+ vs. CD133+ cells in the early postnatal cerebellum.
(A) and (B) Expression of CD133 and Sox2 in the early postnatal cerebellum. Total cerebellar cells from P5 wild type (A) or Sox2−GFP mice (B) were stained with APC conjugated isotype or anti-CD133 antibody and then analyzed for GFP or CD133 expression by flow cytometry. (C) Number of primary neurospheres from 5000 cells. (D) Differentiation of primary neurospheres. (E) Survival curve. (F) IHC staining for Sox2 or CC-3 in preneoplasms. GFP indicates MYC virus infected cells shown as green. Normal indicates normal tissue. In all IHC staining, scale bars = 50 µm and nuclei were counter-stained with DAPI (blue).