a) Extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) for unmodified (black), BHD-modified (light blue) and d5-BHD modified (dark blue) cyclo(RGDFE), product-ion (MS/MS) spectrum for BHD- b) and d5-BHD- c) modified cyclo(RGDFE). (Orange circle: loss of NH3, blue circle: loss of H2O, yellow square: addition 118.0524 or 123.0845 mass unit, green square: addition of 118.0524 or 123.0845 mass unit and loss of H2O, pink square: addition of 118.0524 or 123.0845 mass unit and loss of NH3.) (The nomenclature for cyclic peptides is that by Ngoka and Gross39, figure itself is original. Details are shown in Scheme S1.)