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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Soc Neurosci. 2018 Oct 22;14(5):559–570. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2018.1535999

Table 2.

Peak voxels and Corresponding Brain Regions of Clusters with Positive and Negative Pattern Weights. Positively-weighted regions show relatively more volume with increasing scores on a social network index (high-contact social relationships or overall social network size), while negatively-weighted regions show relatively less volume with increasing scores on a social network index. For large clusters (>5,000 voxels), the peak of each cluster is listed first, and then other regions within the cluster are named in parentheses. $$PARABREAKHERE$$ Threshold z = ± 1.96, p <.05, k >10 voxels.

High-Contact Social Relationships (SNI-I)
Brain Region(s) X Y Z z-value k
(cluster size)
Superior Frontal Gyrus
(medial; large cluster extending into cingulate cortex, caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, thalamus, hippocampal, entorhinal cortex and amygdala regions)
−8 59 6 2.7900 73954
Parahippocampal gyrus
(large cluster extending into hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and amygdala)
15 −36 4 2.5933 9368
Cerebellum (VIII) 9 −61 −41 2.4623 1947
Precentral Gyrus −45 −18 28 2.2012 1022
Middle Temporal Gyrus −48 −38 −8 2.3611 670
Cerebellum (VIII) −9 −64 −43 2.4306 499
Supramarginal Gyrus 54 −36 46 2.3558 479
Precentral Gyrus 41 −6 38 2.3945 456
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 43 28 13 2.2894 445
Brain Stem (Ventral Tegmental Area) 6 −18 −19 2.1764 412
Middle Temporal Gyrus 55 −30 −4 2.3831 381
Medial Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 1 35 −12 2.3583 336
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 47 −48 −13 2.1871 333
Middle Cingulate Gyrus 12 0 46 2.1936 289
Calcarine Sulcus −14 −74 10 2.2368 270
Precuneus −33 −45 33 2.2335 263
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −44 33 20 2.2685 240
Supplementary Motor Area −13 14 47 2.3237 209
Middle Frontal Gyrus 48 −1 21 2.3186 208
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) 46 38 3 2.2620 161
Middle Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 29 48 −10 2.1721 140
Superior Frontal Gyrus 16 53 −13 2.1423 128
Cerbellum (IX) −9 −48 −47 2.1600 111
Precentral Gyrus −13 −24 54 2.2378 109
Calcarine Sulcus 15 −76 12 2.2075 94
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 1 −37 2.2726 76
Middle Temporal Gyrus −50 −55 19 2.1592 74
Precentral Gyrus 20 −33 52 2.2133 64
Inferior Temporal Gyrus −53 −53 −17 2.0404 64
Inferior Parietal lobule −48 −47 47 2.0931 63
Precuneus −10 −53 41 2.1673 53
Middle Occipital Gyrus −32 −68 27 2.1778 51
Insula −37 20 8 2.1219 45
Precentral Gyrus 43 −17 31 2.0984 44
Superior Frontal Gyrus 17 34 48 2.0631 44
Brain Stem (pons) 8 −19 −32 2.0244 43
Posterior Cingulate Gyrus 12 −17 37 2.0524 35
Superior Temporal Gyrus −44 −20 −1 2.1107 34
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −48 34 6 2.1159 27
Calcarine Sulcus −8 −60 5 2.0647 26
Calcarine Sulcus 18 −89 5 2.0209 26
Pallidum 18 7 1 1.9957 26
Insula 36 −14 −3 2.0065 22
Precentral Gyrus −18 −33 53 2.1050 19
Superior Parietal Gyrus 34 −45 60 2.1036 19
Superior Frontal Gyrus (oribital) −19 19 −12 2.0547 14
Superior Occiptal −17 −90 4 2.0197 14
Putamen −26 17 −5 2.0054 13
Supramarginal Gyrus −58 −37 33 2.0670 11
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) 52 13 11 2.0409 10
Middle Cingulate Gyrus −14 −8 52 2.0217 10
Superior Occipital Gyrus (large cluster extending into cuneus and precuneus regions) −24 −90 32 −2.7946 92005
Inferior Temporal Gyrus −26 −9 −51 −2.6839 4395
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 26 −6 −49 −2.6520 7715
Cerebellum (Crus I) 51 −74 −31 −2.4052 1029
Cerebellum (Crus I) −54 −67 −34 −2.3282 1007
Inferior Parietal Lobule −67 −34 −24 −2.3267 1222
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −56 23 17 −2.3187 372
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −47 47 10 −2.3185 243
Postcentral Gyrus 67 −13 24 −2.3071 290
Inferior frontal Gyrus (orbital, medial) −6 22 −29 −2.2751 567
Middle Frontal Gyrus 44 2 59 −2.2714 1650
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 68 −27 −26 −2.2274 1703
Postcentral Gyrus 58 −19 52 −2.1976 177
Inferior Occipital Gyrus −52 −71 −2 −2.1876 1177
Superior Temporal Pole −28 25 −26 −2.1767 75
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 44 32 −21 −2.1621 131
Middle Frontal Gyrus 46 26 43 −2.1362 729
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 15 41 −30 −2.1339 78
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −55 37 5 −2.1308 156
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) 58 28 6 −2.1274 128
Inferior Parietal Lobule 56 −41 56 −2.1171 237
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −12 45 −31 −2.1047 38
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 26 22 −25 −2.0948 25
Postcentral Gyrus −46 −21 66 −2.0938 22
Precuneus −2 −56 35 −2.0634 16
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital, medial) 8 16 −27 −2.0578 50
Supramarginal Gyrus 66 −26 39 −2.0526 49
Precentral Gyrus 65 8 17 −2.0458 75
Precentral Gyrus −68 −17 29 −2.0438 35
Precentral Gyrus −1 −25 80 −2.0433 41
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 66 −47 −13 −2.0361 108
Postcentral Gyrus −49 −22 64 −2.0304 27
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 31 66 −14 −2.0171 36
Middle Temporal Gyrus −61 −65 2 −2.0068 40
Superior Temporal Gyrus 71 −18 5 −1.9868 12
Middle Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −29 61 −15 −1.9820 20
Inferior Temporal Gyrus −67 −48 −12 −1.9788 12
Overall Social Network Size (SNI-II)
Brain Region(s) X Y Z z-value k
Parahippocampal gyrus (large cluster extending into hippocampal regions) −19 −42 2 2.2970 19825
Hippocampus 20 −35 1 2.2889 2336
Superior Frontal Gyrus (medial) −10 60 2 2.1813 336
Medial Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 8 59 −3 2.0941 62
Hippocampus 28 −17 −19 2.0911 177
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −29 35 −11 2.0810 143
Anterior Cingulate Gyrus −7 32 23 2.0732 66
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 51 −55 −15 2.0703 139
Precuneus −9 −53 42 2.0649 30
Anterior Cingulate Gyrus 10 47 10 2.0624 154
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) 48 0 22 2.0605 31
Medial Frontal Gyrus (orbital) 1 33 −12 2.0547 61
Supramarginal Gyrus 52 −38 46 2.0515 46
Insula −38 −1 −3 2.0510 65
Precentral Gyrus −36 −10 38 2.0390 163
Superior Frontal Gyrus 20 53 24 2.0342 62
Brain Stem (Ventral Tegmental Area) 5 −18 −18 2.0279 34
Cerebellum (VIII) −7 −65 −43 2.0219 41
Lingual Gyrus 21 −42 −9 2.0102 16
Middle Temporal Gyrus 54 −29 −4 1.9987 10
Superior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −16 52 −12 1.9960 19
Thalamus 19 −3 −9 1.9921 27
Superior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −19 58 −2 1.9879 13
Cerebellum (IX) 8 −61 −45 1.9705 10
Superior Frontal Gyrus (supplementary motor area) 22 −6 76 −2.2634 5200
Precentral Gyrus −48 −4 57 −2.2460 1456
Superior Occipital Gyrus −25 −89 33 −2.2375 662
Inferior Temporal Gyrus −44 −5 −49 −2.1814 364
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 26 −7 −50 −2.1635 440
Middle Frontal Gyrus 52 −2 54 −2.1611 728
Angular Gyrus 54 −68 30 −2.1595 275
Superior Frontal Gyrus 17 20 65 −2.1374 378
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 43 −13 −41 −2.1351 1138
Superior Parietal Gyrus −29 −73 56 −2.1341 151
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −48 47 10 −2.1108 104
Precuneus −12 −59 74 −2.1048 492
Superior Frontal Gyrus 19 59 37 −2.0949 131
Superior Parietal Gyrus 14 −76 57 −2.0945 470
Paracentral Lobule −19 −22 79 −2.0835 528
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital,medial) −14 62 −21 −2.0816 51
Supplementary Motor Area −5 7 71 −2.0812 54
Cerebellum (Crus II) 53 −60 −47 −2.0733 44
Superior Frontal Gyrus −15 7 72 −2.0718 92
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital, medial) 14 65 −20 −2.0689 91
Superior Frontal Gyrus −21 66 24 −2.0640 86
Superior Occipital Gyrus 28 −87 35 −2.0554 113
Angular Gyrus 50 −60 51 −2.0530 185
Middle Frontal Gyrus −30 11 66 −2.0459 111
Superior Frontal Gyrus −17 40 56 −2.0407 17
Middle Frontal Gyrus −43 46 28 −2.0407 107
Middle Frontal Gyrus (lateral) −51 27 33 −2.0343 62
Angular Gyrus −51 −61 48 −2.0330 26
Middle Frontal Gyrus −45 10 55 −2.0281 165
Middle Frontal Gyrus (lateral) 30 28 57 −2.0242 37
Superior Parietal Gyrus 10 −59 73 −2.0202 175
Cuneus 2 −78 36 −2.0164 79
Supramarginal Gyrus −64 −47 27 −2.0141 73
Postcentral Gyrus −54 −45 56 −2.0122 59
Superior Parietal Gyrus −41 −67 55 −2.0110 19
Superior Parietal Gyrus −27 −43 75 −2.0083 22
Inferior Parietal Gyrus −57 −29 53 −2.0076 26
Inferior Parietal Gyrus −39 −76 44 −2.0015 12
Superior Parietal Gyrus −24 −63 66 −1.9998 15
Inferior Temporal Gyrus 33 4 −52 −1.9956 12
Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orbital) −23 69 −8 −1.9897 12
Orbitofrontal Gyrus (medial) 6 72 −2 −1.9853 63
Middle Frontal Gyrus 27 63 28 −1.9848 15