Figure 3.
Dopamine release measured in NAc core mediated by multiple pulse stimulations at increasing frequencies. Dopamine release was evoked with two and five pulses at increasing frequencies. (A) Raw values of evoked dopamine release were significantly greater in aSI rats; an overall effect of frequency and housing was revealed with repeated measures two-way ANOVA. Bonferroni posthoc analysis revealed facilitated dopamine release with five pulses at high frequencies. (B) Percent baseline comparisons revealed increased stimulated dopamine release in aSI rats with an overall effect of frequencies and housing. Bonferroni posthoc analysis showed facilitated dopamine release in aSI rats with five pulse stimulations at high frequencies. Group housed, aGH, blue, n = 5; Socially isolated, aSI, red, n = 5; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.