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. 2019 Apr 16;9:6142. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42388-3

Table 2.

Demographic statistics.

Neuropsychological test sample MRI subsample
n = 125 n = 65
Women n = 74 Men n = 51 Women n = 40 Men n = 25
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t
Age 71.45 (7.1) 72.57 (5.8) −0.97 71.20 (6.7) 72.52 (6.02) −0.82
Education 4.65 (3.36) 8.71 (3.59) −6.37** 4.60 (2.9) 9.00 (3.65) −5.14**
Depressive symptoms 12.03 (6.19) 11.75 (6.51) 0.24 12.00 (6.3) 11.84 (6.18) 0.10
EVLT index
LTM Recall 1.66 (0.43) 1.54 (0.44) 1.53 1.69 (0.44) 1.64 (0.48) 0.42
LTM Recognition 2.35 (0.33) 2.35 (0.27) −0.02 2.37 (0.29) 2.38 (0.26) −0.16
Social network characteristics
Brokerage 0.57 (0.29) 0.52 (0.31) 0.82 0.57 (0.29) 0.48 (0.31) 1.13
Social network size 2.24 (1.42) 2.67 (1.96) −1.32 2.08 (1.23) 2.64 (1.93) −1.31
Brain volume
Left hippocampus volume 3574.57 (438.85) 3677.67 (435.88) −0.93
Right hippocampus volume 3775.54 (454.29) 3823.036 (478.55) −0.40
Intracranial Volume 1.23 (0.14) 1.39 (0.14) 4.60**

Education: years of formal education; Depressive Symptoms: Geriatric Depression Scale total score; EVLT index: Elderly Verbal Learning Test index; LTM: Long-Term Memory; Brokerage: Social network structural constraint (range 0–1), a smaller value indicates a larger opportunity for brokerage; Social Network Size: number of social ties in the global network; Intracranial Volume: Estimated total intracranial volume (/1,000,000 mm3). t = paired sample t-test result indicating a gender difference in variables. **p < 0.001, 2-tailed.