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. 2019 Apr 16;9:6142. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42388-3

Table 3.

Linear regression models.

Neuropsychological test sample (n = 125) All (n = 125) Men (n = 51) Women (n = 74)
(a) Predicting Long-Term Memory Recognition B (SE) p B (SE) p B (SE) p
Constant 2.42 (0.3) <0.01 2.55 (0.48) <0.01 2.35 (0.39) <0.01
Age 0 (0) 0.34 −0.01 (0.01) 0.28 0 (0.01) 0.70
Education 0.1 (0.02) <0.01 0.1 (0.04) 0.01 0.1 (0.03) <0.01
Depressive symptoms −0.01 (0) <0.01 −0.01 (0.01) 0.13 −0.02 (0.01) 0.00
Brokerage 0.07 (0.08) 0.41 0.01 (0.11) 0.93 0.12 (0.11) 0.29
Depressive symptoms × Brokerage 0.01 (0.01) 0.29 −0.04 (0.02) 0.04 0.05 (0.02) 0.01
Gender −0.13 (0.06) 0.02
Depressive symptoms × Brokerage × Gender −0.08 (0.02) <0.01
MRI subsample (n = 65) All (n = 65) Men (n = 25) Women (n = 40)
(b) Predicting adjusted left hippocampal volume B (SE) p B (SE) p B (SE) p
Constant 3800.98 (456.25) <0.01 3694.14 (635.57) <0.01 3884.84 (635.57) <0.01
Age −14.05 (6.36) 0.03 −14.78 (8.89) 0.09 −13.65 (8.89) 0.13
Depressive symptoms −2.12 (5.95) 0.72 −9.79 (9.42) 0.24 5.66 (9.42) 0.55
Brokerage −149.41 (121.72) 0.22 −366.58 (172.18) 0.03 −9.77 (172.18) 0.96
Depressive symptoms × Brokerage 19.84 (18.57) 0.29 −42.30 (25.56) 0.10 58.50 (25.56) 0.03
Gender −292.76 (74.22) <0.01
Depressive symptoms × Brokerage × Gender −100.09 (38.23) 0.01

B = Unstandardized coefficient, SE = Standard error.

Brokerage: Social network structural constraint (range 0–1), a smaller value indicates a larger opportunity for brokerage; Social network size: number of social ties in the global network.