Fig. 4.
LC-MS analysis of the new gibberellin, DHGA12 and its position within the GA biosynthetic pathway. a Schematic of the GAS2-catalyzed conversion of GA12 to DHGA12. Cofactor: 24 µL, containing 133 mM 2-oxoglutarate, 133 mM ascorbate, 16.7 mM FeSO4, and 33.3 mg/mL catalase. b Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of DHGA12 by LC-MS. c MS spectrum of the peak at 4.85 min (retention time) in (b). d Schematic of the chemical synthesis of DHGA12C (subscript C denotes chemically synthesized DHGA12). The chemical synthesis was conducted in the phosphoric acid solution (0.125 mol/L) at 60 oC for 8 h. e TIC of DHGA12C by LC-MS. f MS spectrum of the peak at 4.85 min (retention time) in (e). g The stereochemical configuration of DHGA12 (green oval) and gibberellin biosynthetic pathway including the GAS2-catalyzed production of DHGA12. 20ox GA 20-oxidase, 3ox GA 3-oxidase, 2ox GA 2-oxidase, LC-MS liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, GA gibberellins, MS Murashige and Skoog agar