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. 2019 Apr 16;9:6125. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42524-z

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Exposure of the autolysis loop in the components of prothrombin activation as probed by limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin. After conversion of prothrombin (PT) to the active meizothrombin (MzT) or inactive prethrombin-1 (Pre1) and prethrombin-2 (Pre2) derivates, the autolysis loop becomes exposed and susceptible to chymotrypsin attack at W468. In the case of MzT, chymotrypsin cleaves additionally at Y277 and F281 in Lnk3, generating a 38 kDa species. Exposure of the autolysis loop reflects the open-closed equilibrium of prothrombin. The open conformation (mutant Y93A) is proteolytically attacked by chymotrypsin, but the closed form (mutant S101C/A470C) is not. All reactions were conducted in TBS buffer at 37 °C and analyzed by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. Chemical identities of the bands were verified by N-terminal sequencing (see Supplementary Table S1). None of the gels were cropped and originals are available in the Supplementary Information as Fig. S2.