Figure 3.
Incision, neonatal minocycline, and sex influence expression of microglial-related genes in the medial ipsilateral dorsal horn. A, Expression of Emr1 increased 3 d following single adult incision (IN) in males and females. B, Expression of Irf8 increased following IN. A, B, Data normalized to age- and sex-matched naive rats. C, Expression of Emr1 was lower in males than females following neonatal minocycline and reincision (nmIN-IN). Male nmIN-IN versus female nmIN-IN: p = 0.023. D, Expression of Irf8 was lower in males than females following neonatal minocycline and reincision (male nmIN-IN vs female nmIN-IN: p = 0.019). C, D, nmIN-IN data normalized to saline repeat incision (nsIN-IN). A–D, Data points are individual units with each including 2 animals (n = 6–9 units per group). Error bars indicate ± SD. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; two-way ANOVA with sex and group as variables and Bonferroni post hoc comparisons.