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. 2018 Mar 12;21(5):638–647. doi: 10.1093/ntr/nty045

Table 1.

Smoking Outcome at Adult Follow-up

N (%) N (%) B p value OR (95% CI)
Daily Smokers in the Past Yeara 168 (35.8%) 42 (17.5%) 0.95 <.001 2.57 (1.73–3.83)
Smoking about a Half Pack or More Daily in the Past Yearb 123 (73.2%) 26 (61.9%) 0.47 .22 1.60 (0.75–3.41)
Smoking about a Pack or More Daily in the Past Yearb 60 (35.7%) 12 (28.6%) 0.20 .63 1.22 (0.55–2.68)
FTND (moderate-to-high dependence)c 42 (26.4%) 8 (20.0%) 0.40 .38 1.49 (0.62–3.59)
≥1 Quit Attemptd 217 (75.9%) 58 (63.7%) 0.62 .019 1.87 (1.11–3.15)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F p value d
Time to First Cigarettee 2.42 (1.06) 2.88 (1.02) 4.02 .046 .45
Withdrawal Symptomsf
 Craving 2.38 (1.18) 2.07 (1.12) 5.87 .016 .28
 Difficulty Concentrating 1.91 (1.12) 1.58 (0.96) 8.06 .005 .34
 Restlessness 2.03 (1.19) 1.54 (0.91) 18.10 <.001 .54

FTND = Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence. All analyses excluded 31 LNCG participants diagnosed with ADHD at baseline. Cohen’s d = difference between group means divided by LNCG SD.

aADHD n = 469, LNCG n = 240. There is a difference of n = 1 between the samples analyzed for this report and in Molina et al.23 due to different selection of variables across the analyses; this resulted in slightly different percentages for daily smoking (35.8% vs. 35.9% in Molina et al.).

bADHD n = 168, LNCG n = 42. These analyses were among to daily smokers in the past year only. See Supplement B for analyses of smoking quantity among the full sample.

cADHD n = 159, LNCG n = 40. Participants were instructed to complete the FTND only if they were “currently a daily smoker.”

dADHD n = 286, LNCG n = 91. These analyses were among those who ever smoked at least weekly.

eADHD n = 158, LNCG n = 40. A lower score on this FTND item indicates a faster time to first cigarette (ie, 1 = within first 5 min, 2 = 6–30 min, 3 = 31–60 min, 4 = after 60 min). The absolute value of the d statistic is reported for this finding.

fADHD n = 300, LNCG n = 108. The same pattern of results emerged when analyses were repeated among those who ever smoked at least weekly.