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. 2019 Apr 16;19:232. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4056-7

Table 2.

Care seeking and investigations among tuberculosis patients in seven districts of North Shoa zone, Ethiopia, December 2017

Variable Number Percent
How many times you go to health facility before you disease has been diagnosed?
 1 30 18.5
 2 58 35.8
 3 28 17.3
 4 13 8.1
 5 17 10.5
 6 5 3.1
 7 5 3.1
 8 4 2.4
 12 2 1.2
Delayed health seeking
 Diagnosed at first visit 65 40.1
 Not diagnosed at first visit 97 59.9
Major reasons for patient delay for more that 21 days
 Symptom disappear by itself 76 79
 Financial constrain 10 10
 Used herbal medicine 4 4
 Being HF distant 7 7
Category of TB
 New 140 86.4
 previously treated 22 13.6
The perception of cause of TB by the patients
 Due to draft 78 48.2
 Bacterial infection 59 36.4
 Dust particle 14 8.6
 Others 11 6.8
Where do you go first when you develop sign of TB
 Health post 45 27.7
 Hospital 59 36.4
 Private HF 44 27.2
 Holly water 9 5.6
 Other 5 3.1
Asked about TB at first visit
 yes 92 56.8
 No 70 43.2
Type of TB
 Pulmonary 115 71
 Extra pulmonary 47 29
Give Sputum Sample at first visit
 Yes 86 53.1
 No 76 46.9
Previous contact history
 Yes 43 26.5
 No 119 73.5
Who initiated you to Health facility
 The patient by itself 75 46.3
 Spouse of the patients 22 13.6
 Health extension worker 10 6.1
 My family 19 11.7
 Other relative 24 14.9
 HAD leaders 6 3.7
 Other 6 3.7