Table 3.
The GLM analysis results of OOPa expenditures for rural population (n = 1,113,615)
Variable | OOPa expenditure (1) | OOPa expenditure (2) | OOPa expenditure (3) |
Reform (after vs. beforeb) | −308.42*** (11.24) | −347.59*** (12.73) | −347.59** (105.36) |
Age (≥65 years vs. < 65 yearsb) | 292.88*** (6.52) | 303.63*** (6.53) | 303.63*** (58.56) |
Level of Hospital (tertiary vs. secondary/primaryb) | 1736.89*** (5.57) | n/a | n/a |
Hospital region (in other region vs. in Sanmingb) | 4515.74*** (12.77) | n/a | n/a |
Chronic diseases (yes vs. nob) | 380.67*** (9.46) | 305.51*** (9.63) | 305.51*** (85.84) |
Official reimbursement rate | 1889.99*** (26.67) | 2013.92*** (28.72) | 2013.92* (990.92) |
Ceiling of annual compensation per patient (¥104 vs. < ¥104 b) | −438.23*** (11.49) | − 335.00*** (14.06) | −335.00*** (77.84) |
Intercept | − 7377.12*** (27.45) | 604.92*** (87.31) | 604.92 (361.24) |
Yearly fixed effects | NO | YES | YES |
Hospitals fixed effects | NO | YES | YES |
R-Square | 0.277 | 0.316 | 0.316 |
Prob>F | < 0.001 | < 0.001 | < 0.001 |
Clustered s.e. | NO | NO | YES |
The results without year and hospital fixed effects are reported in column (1); the results with year and hospital fixed effects are reported in columns (2) and (3)
Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses in columns (1) and (2); standard errors clustered at the hospital level are reported in parentheses in column (3)
aOOP Out-of-pocket
bwas the reference group
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
Adjusted model adjusts for sex and individual annual net income