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. 2019 Apr 5;5(3):e33. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2019.12

Table 2.

Psychiatrists correct responses to items on the Knowledge of Autism Scale (n = 162)

Item Answer (true/false) Psychiatrists giving a correct response, n (%)
An autism diagnosis cannot be made before a child is 3 years of age False 99 (61.1)
A child failing to respond to their name when called can be an early sign of autism True 118 (72.8)
A lack of eye contact is necessary for a person to receive a diagnosis of autism False 157 (96.9)
Research has shown that the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine is not a direct cause of autism True 153 (94.4)
Autism is caused by a lack of bonding between mother and child False 159 (98.1)
Autism is a rare condition, affecting only 15 per 10 000 individuals in the UK False 150 (92.6)
Autism cannot be diagnosed in adulthood False 161 (99.4)
The behaviours characteristic of autism are usually mild and transient, so specific intervention is not usually required False 156 (96.3)
The prevalence of autism is greater in children than in adults False 131 (80.9)
Younger siblings of children with autism have a higher probability (approximately 20%) of being diagnosed with autism True 142 (87.7)
Most people with autism also have intellectual disabilities False 113 (69.8)
Females are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than males True 155 (95.7)
People with autism feel no empathy or affection False 156 (96.3)
Children with autism can be interested in social interaction True 153 (94.4)
More than half of people diagnosed with autism do not talk False 151 (93.2)
Children with autism can show unusual reactions to certain smells and sounds True 160 (98.8)
Additional mental health conditions (for example, anxiety, depression) are more prevalent in individuals diagnosed with autism than in the general population True 158 (97.5)
Most children with autism eventually outgrow autism False 159 (98.1)
Independent living is not possible for people with autism False 161 (99.4)
The behaviours in autism can only be managed with medication False 161 (99.4)
People with autism always display challenging behaviours False 156 (96.3)
Children with autism tend to learn better when things are presented in a visual format True 135 (83.3)