Fig. 4. Effect of AIBP-regulated Srebp2 activity on Notch signaling.
A and B. WISH analysis of notch1b and runx1. The numerator indicates number of zebrafish with the representative phenotype, and denominator indicates the total number of animals assessed. C. Srebp2 binding motif enrichment in differentially expressed gene groups. TSS: translation start site. D. Immunoblotting of SREBP2 and NOTCH1 in the HSPCs isolated from low LDL-C (1.826 ± 0.089 mM; n=5) and high LDL-C (4.796 ± 0.454 mM; n=5) subjects. LAMIN A/C serves as the loading control. E. Working model. Bilateral cholesterol transport occurs between the ER and plasma membrane. AIBP-accelerated cholesterol efflux to HDL or hypercholesterolemia activates Srebp2, which transactivates Notch for hematopoiesis.