Fig. 6.
a Fraction of activity of 3H-cortisol present in medium at different time points after adding 15 nM 3H-cortisol to the opposite compartment at t = 0 in absence or presence of MIF. Transepithelial transport from basal to apical compartment and vice versa was measured in MDR1-transfected LLC-PK1 monolayers. Repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant time * cell type * MIF * direction of transport interaction (p < .01). In the presence of 10 µM MIF, transport of 3H-cortisol in monolayers of MDR1-transfected cells is inhibited and not different from transport of cortisol in monolayers of hosts cells. Data are presented as mean ± sem of three wells. MIF did not affect cortisol transport in untransfected monolayers (data not shown). b A mix of MIF and its three main metabolites at therapeutically relevant concentrations(see text) inhibits the transport of 3H-cortisol in MDR1-transfected monolayers