Fig 4. The CFmin model explained 86% of point variation without having bias.
(A) A 1:1 line (thick black line) compared with log(CFmin) plotted as a function of CFmin predicted by the mapping model: Log(CFmin) = 8.480*** − 0.0305ELEVmax2*** + 0.317ELEVmax*** − 0.0233RH150*** − Region. Region = [0 if Region = Inland Tropics; else 0.676*** if Region = Dry Coastal; else 0.472*** if Region = Caribbean Coastal; else 0.324** if Region = Pacific Coastal; else 0.239*** if Region = Outer Tropics] (N = 79; Parameter estimate Pr > F: <0.0001 = ***, <0.01 = **), and (B) Modeling regions (Region). Light grey = areas with no CFmin estimates. Black circles = CFmin locations.