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. 2019 Apr 17;14(4):e0215070. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215070

Fig 4. Immunohistochemical iNOS labelling observed in the brain slices obtained through sections S4 and 5.

Fig 4

Section S4 (bregma -4.80 mm): absence of iNOS-positive cells in V2L area of control rats, contrary to infected rats who exhibit iNOS-positive neurons (black arrow and dots); magnification (X3) is shown; in control rats, hippocampus CA1 area is free of iNOS-positive cell labelling; in infected rats, CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibit iNOS-positive labelling (black arrow, also in X3 magnification). Hippocampal (CA1, CA2, CA3 and DG) and cortical (PtA and V2L) areas exhibit only iNOS positive neurons (black dots). This is also the case for LH and SNR structures. iNOS positive neuroglial cells and neurons are both present in PAG (red and black dots). Section S5 (bregma -3.14, ventral part): in control rats, Pe nucleus is free of iNOS-positive cellular elements, contrary to infected rats (Pe nucleus with labeled iNOS-positive astrocytes and microglial cells (red arrows, also in X3 magnifications); in the schema, Arc, PeF, VMH, SOR and Amyg exhibit mixed labelling (neurons, black dots, and neuroglial cells, red dots). Again, piriform (Pir) and ectorhinal (ECt) cortices exhibit only iNOS positive neurons (black dots). Abbreviations and signs see Fig 2 and reference [25].