Figure 6:
The cell surface computational model was fit to the cell surface experimental data using the basement membrane-derived relationships between HSPG availability and FH dissociation with flow and also adding increased production with flow. (A) HSPG availability α was modeled to linearly increase with shear stress based on experimental basement membrane data. FH bond was modeled to decrease in response to shear stress like a slip-bond, with values developed by fitting to the basement membrane data. (B) The computational model with increased HSPG availability and increased FH dissociation closely matched the basement membrane experimental data. (C) A relationship between HSPG production and shear stress was developed to best fit the computational model to the experimental data. HSPG production increased by a factor of three at 20 dyne/cm2. (D) The computational model closely matched the experimental data only when increased HSPG production was included. [FGF2] = 10 ng/mL (5.56 × 10−5 µM); [HSPG] =2.16 × 10−10 mol/m2; [FGFR] = 4.15 × 10−12 mol/m2; flow rate = 2.1 mL/min; Simulation time = 300 min.