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. 2018 Feb 1;10(1):50–58. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2017.07.008

Table 5.

Effects of yogic breathing in various clinical population.

Sl No. Author Year Sample size Disorder Variables studied Findings
1 Singh et al. 1990 18 Br. Asthma Airway reactivity, airway caliber Increase in the need of histamine for reduction in Forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) with Pranayama in ratio of 1:2 for inhalation: exhalation than control group.
2 Cooper et al. 2003 90 Br. Asthma Symptom scores, FEV1 At 3rd and 6th month, symptoms remained stable in Pranayama group, whereas decrease in symptoms was noted in Buteyko breathing. No between group difference in FEV1 were noted.
3 Saxena & Saxena 2009 50 Br. Asthma Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR), FEV1, Symptoms A combination of slow breathing, Bhramari and Omkara significantly improved symptoms, FEV1 and PEFR in patients with Bronchial Asthma.
4 Prem et al. 2013 120 Br. Asthma Asthma Quality of life, PFT Buteyko breathing showed better trends of improvement in quality of life and asthma control than the group performing the Pranayama.
5 Raghavendra et al. 2016 60 Br. Asthma FEV1, FVC, FEV1:FVC 10 min of practice of Kapalabhati enhances FEV1, FVC and FEV1:FVC ratio in patients with mild to moderate Asthma, when compared to control who performed deep breathing.
6 Dabhade et al. 2012 15 Cardiac Arrhythmias ECG In patients with cardiac arrthymias, there was improvement in QTd, QTc-d, JTd, and JTc-d following the Pranayama session, indicating reduction the indices of ventricular repolarization dispersion.
7 Dhruva et al. 2012 16 Cancer Cancer related Symptoms, quality of life Improved quality of sleep, quality of life and reduced anxiety following Pranayama between 2 chemotherapy sessions.
8 Chakrabarty et al. 2015 160 Cancer Cancer related fatigue Scores of Cancer related fatigue reduced following practice of Pranayama along with radiation therapy (RT) than RT alone.
9 Jyotsna et al. 2012 49 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus WHOQoL BREF, FBS, PPBS, HbA1C There was significant improvement in the QOL and a non-significant trend toward improvement in glycemic control in the group practicing the yogic breathing program than standard treatment alone.
10 Jyotsna et al. 2013 64 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Cardiac autonomic functions Pranayama along with standard therapy improved sympathetic functions in diabetics than those who were on standard therapy alone.
11 Bhavanani et al. 2012 22 Hypertension Heart rate, blood pressure Immediate reduction in heart rate, systolic pressure, pulse pressure following Chandra Nadi Pranayama was noted
12 Bhavanani et al. 2012 29 Hypertension Heart rate, blood pressure Reduction in systolic pressure, pulse pressure and heart rate in hypertensive patients was observed following Pranava Pranayama.
13 Marshall et al. 2013 11 Stroke Attention, language, spatial abilities, depression, and anxiety Uninostril breathing practice reduced anxiety in post stroke cases and improved language measures in individuals with aphasia due to stroke.
14 Marshall et al. 2015 3 Stroke Western Aphasia Battery-R (WAB-R) and Communication Abilities of Daily Living-2 (CADL-2) In 2 out of 3 cases of stroke induced aphasia, Forced Uninostril breathing along with speech therapy showed improvement in correct information unit and word productivity.
15 Nemati. 2013 107 Test Anxiety Sarason's test anxiety scale, test performance Following practice of Pranayama for a semester, fewer participants experienced high test anxiety, compared to the control group. Participants in the Pranayama group also had higher scores in the test performance than controls.
16 Mooventhan et al. 2014 1 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Weight, body mass index, symptom scores, pulmonary function and health related quality of life with conversion of positive to negative FME for acid fast bacilli There were significant changes in weight, body mass index, symptom scores, pulmonary function and health related quality of life with conversion of positive to negative FME for acid fast bacilli, when the patient of Pulmonary Tuberculosis