Apoptosis of LPS-challenged neural cells with or without curcumin treatment, as determined using YO-PRO-1/PI double staining and flow cytometry with or without CISD2 knockdown. YO-PRO-1 serves as a marker for apoptosis. PI refers to propidium iodide, which is used as a marker for necrotic cells. Region A-: non-living cells without early apoptosis; Region V: vital cells; Region A: early apoptotic cells. Early apoptotic cells with positive YO-PRO-1 and negative PI staining were calculated and compared among all groups (A). Representative flow cytometry results from all groups (B). Bars indicate the mean ± SEM (n = 3). &,#,* p < 0.05, && p < 0.01, and &&&,### p < 0.001 indicate differences of statistical significance.