Chlorophyll a fluorescence transient curves obtained for leaves of Chinese cabbage (A,D), white cabbage (B,E), and kale (C,F) exposed to NaCl at 50, 100, and 200 mM. Each curve represents average kinetics of 18 replicates. Average fluorescence data were normalized between O and K steps (L-band; A–C) and plotted as difference kinetics ΔWOK = WOK–(WOK)ref in the 0.05–3 ms time range. Fluorescence data normalized between O and J steps (K-band; D–F) were plotted as difference kinetics ΔWOJ = WOJ–(WOJ)ref in the 0.05–2 ms time range. (WOK)ref and (WOJ)ref reference values were obtained from measurements of control plants for each species.