(a) The symmetry index as a function of for different values of bending modulus = 3.0 × 10 J (square), 1.2 × 10 J (triangle), and 2.4 × 10 J (inverted triangle). The results obtained with a viscosity ratio of unity (i.e., = 1) are also displayed (diamond). The circular dot represents the result of = −2 at low (= 5 × 10) and high (= 0.5) and = 5. These results were obtained with = 1.2 × 10 J. (b) Time average of the RBC centroid velocity () as a function of for different viscosity ratios ( = 1 and 5). (c) Averaged maximum and isotropic tensions, and , respectively. (d) Averaged tension as a function of the deformation index .