Figure 5.
In‐situ XANES spectra of the FTS reaction over a Co/TiO2 catalyst at a reaction temperature of 523 K, and a reaction pressure of 5 bar: I) using a H2/CO ratio of 0.5 at different reaction times; a) 20 h, b) 40 h, c) 60 h, d) 80 h, e) 100 h, f) 120 h, g) 140 h, h) 160 h, i) 180 h and j) 200 h; and II) using a H2/CO ratio of 2 at different reaction times; a) 20 h, b) 40 h, c) 60 h, d) 80 h, e) 100 h, f) 120 h, g) 140 h, h) 160 h, i) 180 h and j) 200 h.