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. 2019 Feb 28;11(3):526. doi: 10.3390/nu11030526

Table 1.

Description of the food groups and food subgroups in the 2007 CFG food grouping system.

Food Groups Food Subgroups Food Examples with Examples of Serving Sizes 2007 CFG Guidance Statements
Vegetables and fruit Dark green and orange vegetables Raw spinach or romaine lettuce (1 cup), sweet potato, carrots (125 mL) Eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day.
‘Other’ vegetables Zucchini, corn, celery, cucumbers (125 mL)
Potatoes Potatoes (baked, mashed, fried) (125 mL)
Whole fruit Bananas, apple, pears, grapes (1 fruit or 125 mL) Have vegetables and fruit more often than juice.
Fruit juice 100% orange juice (125 mL)
Grain products Non-whole grains White bread (1 slice or 35 g), white rice (125 mL), pita or tortilla (35 g), corn flakes (35 g)
Whole grains Whole oats or oatmeal (175 mL), whole grain brown or wild rice or pasta (125 mL) Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day.
Milk and alternatives Fluid milk and fortified soy-based beverages Cow’s milk,
fortified soy milk, flavored milk (250 mL)
Drink skim, 1%, or 2% milk each day. Have 500 mL (2 cups) of milk every day for adequate vitamin D.
Other milk products Plain or flavored yogurt (175 g), cheese (50 g)
Meat and alternatives Beef, pork, veal, lamb, poultry, game and organ meats Roasted chicken, turkey, ground beef (75 g)
Fish and shellfish Salmon, shrimp Eat at least two food guide servings of fish each week.
Legumes, nuts and seeds and soy Peanut butter (30 mL), cooked legumes (175 mL), shelled nuts and seeds (60 mL), tofu (150 g) Have meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu often.
Eggs Scrambled eggs (2 eggs)
Processed meats Smoked turkey,
salami (75 g)
Other foods 1 High fat and/or high sugar foods Candies, chocolate, syrups, sauces, fruit jams Limit foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt (sodium) such as cakes and pastries, chocolate and candies, cookies and granola bars, doughnuts and muffins, ice cream and frozen desserts, French fries, potato chips, nachos and other salty snacks, alcohol, fruit flavored drinks, soft drinks, sports and energy drinks, and sweetened hot or cold drinks.
Other beverages 1 High calorie other beverages (>40 kcal/100 g) Sodas such as Coca Cola©, Sprite©
Low calorie other beverages (≤40 kcal/100 g) Tea and coffee (unsweetened or lightly sweetened), vitamin water, almond milk
Alcohol-containing beverages Wine, beer

CFG, Canada’s Food Guide; CNF, Canadian Nutrient File. 1 No standard servings existed for other foods and other beverages (foods that were not part of the four core four food groups).