(A) Body masses of top endothermic and ectothermic
carnivores and herbivores, as a function of Holocene area of landmass
inhabited. Separate regression lines are fitted through the points for
each set of species except for ectothermic herbivores, which were not
fitted because we have only three data points. Slopes of the lines are
0.47–0.52 and do not differ significantly between the species sets
(P > 0.60). Note that larger landmasses support
larger top species, and that, for a given area of landmass, body masses
decrease in the sequence: ectothermic herbivore (○) >
endothermic herbivore (●) > ectothermic
carnivore (▿) > endothermic carnivore (▾).
The two deviant points (●) at 3,200 kg, 8,259
km2 and at 1,150 kg, 209 km2 are the Crete
dwarf elephant and the Santa Rosa dwarf mammoth, respectively,
discussed in the text. Dinosaurs and early mammals are coded separately
and discussed in the text. (B) Daily food requirements
[grams of dry matter intake (GMI) per day] of top species (coded by
the same symbols as in A), as a function of Holocene
area of landmass inhabited. Because of an ectotherm's lower metabolic
rate per gram of body mass, its food requirements are lower than those
of an endotherm of the same body mass. As a result, B
shows that an ectothermic top carnivore (▿, reptile) has the
same food requirements (P > 0.10) as a endothermic
top carnivore (▾, mammal or bird) on a landmass of the same
area (and similarly for herbivores, ● vs.
○), although A showed that the ectotherm had
the larger body mass. The two lines have the same slope
(P = 0.57).