Figure 4.
Expression profile of ABC transporter genes in three pyrethroid-resistent field populations (AH-FR, CQ-FR, and YN-FR) compared with a laboratory-susceptible strain (WX-LS), detected by RNA-seq. Genes with FPKM value ≥ 2 (i.e., ≥ 1 in Log2, showing on X-axis) and p-value < 0.05 (i.e., > 1.30 in –Log10, showing on Y-axis) are considered to be significantly upregulated, whereas those with FPKM value ≤ 0.5 (≤ −1 in Log2) and p-value < 0.05 are regarded as downregulated. Vertical dotted lines mark the 1 and −1 of Log2 (fold changes of FPKM value) values on the X-axis, and horizontal dotted lines denote the p-value = 0.05 of –Log10 (p-value) on the Y-axis. There are six genes that are significantly differently expressed in different populations, in which four genes are upregulated (AsABCG28 commonly in three populations) and three genes are downregulated (AsABCA5 is upregulated in AH-FR but downregulated in CQ-FR). The red-, green-, and blue-filled circles indicate the AH-FR, CQ-FR, and YN-FR, respectively.