Table 1.
Child wellbeing dimensions, indicators, and data availability
Categories | Dimensions | CRC article no. | Indicators available | No. countries analyzed |
Survival | Food nutrition | 24 | Stunting and underweight | 15 |
Water | 24 | No⁎ | ||
Health care | 24 | Immunization (DPT)**** | ||
Shelter, housing | 27 | No⁎ | ||
Environment, pollution | 24 | No | ||
Development | Education | 28 | School attendance and support for learning⁎⁎⁎ | 18 |
Leisure | 31 | House work and chores | 12 | |
Cultural activities | 31 | No | ||
Information | 13, 17 | No⁎ | ||
Protection | Exploitation, child labor | 32 | House work and chores | |
Other forms of exploitation | 33–36 | Female genital mutilation⁎⁎⁎ | ||
Cruelty, violence | 19, 37 | Child discipline⁎⁎⁎ | ||
Violence at school | 28 | No | ||
Social security | 16, 26, 27 | No | ||
Participation | Birth registration/nationality | 7, 8 | Birth registration | 19 |
Information | 13, 17 | No⁎ | ||
Freedom of expression, views, opinion; being heard; freedom of association | 12–15 | No |
Source: Adapted from De Neubourg et al. (2012, p. 9) and author’s assessment.
Indicators for water and sanitation, information, and shelter are measured at the household level.
Indicator available in the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) for some countries but not suited for the current analysis.
Indicator available in MICS but excluded from this analysis due to different immunization schedules in different countries, which makes it difficult to use for comparative purposes.