Table 2.
Summary of model selection results for testing ascertainment bias within HO and MNA.
Model | AIC | DF |
HO ~ 1 + (1|Reference) + (1|Species) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2196.0 | 6 |
HO ~ MsatType + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2183.6 | 7 |
HO ~ ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2202.3 | 7 |
HO ~ Harvested + ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2212.2 | 9 |
HO ~ MsatType + ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2198.2 | 9 |
HO ~ Harvested * ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2215.2 | 13 |
HO ~ MsatType + Harvested * ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2214.2 | 14 |
HO ~ NSpp + Harvested * ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2215.3 | 14 |
HO ~ msat + Harvested * ConservC + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Family) | −2212.1 | 15 |
MNA ~ ConservC:Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Species) | 4015.6 | 13 |
MNA ~ NSpp + ConservC: Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Species) | 4016.2 | 14 |
MNA ~ NSpp + MsatLoci + ConservC + AuthorCountry + ConservC: Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Species) | 4021.6 | 19 |
MNA ~ NSpp + MsatLoci + MsatType + Harvested + ConservC + Economic + Charisma + AuthorCountry + ConservC: Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Species) | 4031.5 | 25 |
MNA ~ NSpp + MsatLoci + MsatType + Harvested + ConservC + Economic + Charisma + AuthorCountry + NSpp: MsatLoci + NSpp: MsatType + MsatLoci: MsatType + Harvested: ConservC + Harvested:cmn + ConservC: Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Genus) + (1|Species) | 4043.7 | 36 |
MNA ~ NSpp + MsatLoci + MsatType + Harvested + ConservC + Economic + Charisma + AuthorCountry + NSpp: MsatLoci + NSpp: MsatType + MsatLoci: MsatType + Harvested: ConservC + Harvested: Charisma + ConservC: Charisma + (1|Reference) + (1|Species) + (1|Genus) | 4050.9 | 37 |
NSpp: number of species used to derive loci; MsatLoci: total number of microsatellite loci; MsatType: microsatellite type (focal, non-native, native); Harvested: level of harvesting; ConservC: degree of conservation concern; Economic: economic value; Charisma: charisma of focal species; AuthorCountry: senior author’s country of residence.