Specimens of Charnia masoni from locality LC6, Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. A–B, silicone mould of a slender (parallel‐sided) specimen (CAMSM X. 50297.10) with what we term the ‘connecting region’, showing sigmoidal first order branching extending much of the way down the specimen, arrowed in B. C, parallel‐sided specimen with a connecting region preserved in positive epirelief (cast of CAMSM X.50297.2). D, specimen with a basal extension in the connecting region (cast of CAMSM X.50297.1); arrow in the inset shows the branch connections to the holdfast. E, Charnwood‐like specimen with first order branches showing ‘connecting region’ typical of parallel‐sided specimens from this surface. Images are retrodeformed, except specimen in C due to lack of available holdfast structures. Main scales in cm. Colour online.