Fig. 3.
(A) Six-week-old tissue culture plants of the D. rotundata cv. Makakusa used for NGS-based virus detection. (B) Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer electropherogram with RIN value 7.5. Raw RNA-seq reads were mapped to Trinity-assembled transcripts using Geneious software [60]. Contig TRINITY_DN10230_c4_g4_i1 (C) showed high sequence similarity (>83%) to YMV (GenBank U42596) in BLAST searches and >337,000 reads (0.88% of total reads) mapped to this contig. Contigs TRINITY_DN11412_c7_g2_i9 (D) and TRINITY_DN11412_c7_g2_i2 (E) showed high sequence similarity (88–89%) to DBRTV3 (GenBank MF476845) and >338,000 reads (0.88% and 0.89% of total reads, respectively) mapped to each of these contigs.