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. 2019 Apr 18;14(4):e0215384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215384

Table 4. Practical approaches for improving communication regarding Off periods.

Population Associated with Suggested Strategies Approaches
Patients, carepartners - Keeping track of symptoms between visits to enhance recall
- Having carepartners, others at clinical visits
- Pre-visit preparation (e.g. creating an agenda, discussing topics to raise, completion of pre-visit questionnaires)
- Describing symptoms and challenges with honesty
- Targeted use of strategies such as diaries, home videos
- Self-education through asking questions of medical team, attending PD classes, published resources (print, online, video)
- Asking questions when something is unclear
Clinicians - Demonstrating empathy, respect, interest, curiosity
- Taking time to listen to patients, carepartners at visits
- Asking about off periods at every visit
- Probing the impact of off periods on daily function
- Acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual’s concerns
- Involving carepartner at clinical visits
- Separating conversation from data entry
- Intentionally creating a shared off period vocabulary with patients, carepartners
- Providing verbal and print/online education regarding off periods and what to expect
- Allowing time for patients and carepartners to both respond to questions and ask questions
- Use of teach-back methods to ensure understanding
- Targeted use of strategies such as diaries, home videos
Hospitals, Clinics - Ensuring continuity of care across longitudinal clinical visits
- Allotting sufficient time for clinical encounters
- Creating clinical spaces enabling communication without interference from technology
- Hiring additional staff (e.g. allied health, advance practice providers) to provide additional assessments and education
- Providing mechanisms for communication between visits (e.g. patient portals)
- Providing educational programs (e.g. classes, symposia) and print educational materials regarding off periods