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. 2019 Mar 25;8(3):77. doi: 10.3390/plants8030077

Table 1.

Shoot dry matter, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen concentration and total leaf area of ten bottle gourd genotypes and two watermelon cultivars grown under low (0.3 mM) and high (3.0 mM) N supply in Expt. 1.

Expt. 1 Shoot Dry Matter
(g plant−1)
Nitrogen Uptake
(mg plant−1)
Nitrogen Concentration
(mg g dw.−1)
Leaf Area
(cm2 plant−1)
Genotype Low N High N Low N High N Low N High N Low N High N
01-18 7.4 de 34.8 D 104.6 e 937.8 E 14.2 hi 26.9 EF 0.14 ef 0.75F
07-45 14.6 a 41.9 A 202.3 b 1032.6 D 13.9 I 24.6 HI 0.20 ab 0.97B
35-10 7.3 de 30.2 E 106.6 e 866.5 F 14.5 gh 28.7 BC 0.15 de 0.62G
41-01 9.3 bc 37.7 C 155.5 c 1144.5 B 16.7 d 29.3 BC 0.18 c 0.93BC
42-11 10.0 b 42.8 A 146.4 cd 1089.5 C 14.6 gh 25.5 GH 0.19 bc 0.91CD
45-04 8.7 c 39.1 B 140.2 d 1157.3 B 16.2 e 29.6 B 0.18 c 0.96B
45-07 6.9 de 26.8 F 102.5 e 790.2 G 14.8 g 29.5 B 0.13 g 0.56H
47-04 9.4 bc 38.6 BC 134.8 d 932.6 E 14.4 gh 24.2 I 0.18 c 0.87D
70-07 14.7 a 43.2 A 229.2 a 1226.4 A 15.5 f 28.4 CD 0.21 a 1.26A
TR-50 7.6 d 35.1 D 139.6 d 919.8 E 18.4 c 26.2 FG 0.16 d 0.80E
C. Sweet 5.8 f 8.1 H 112.4 e 222.8 I 19.3 b 27.5 DE 0.10 h 0.12J
S. Baby 6.8 e 12.7 G 139.2 d 424.9 H 20.6 a 33.6 A 0.13 fg 0.18I
Genotype *** *** *** ***
N rate *** *** *** ***
Gen. × N *** *** ** ***

Values denoted by different letters (lower- and upper-case letters for low and high N supply, respectively) are significantly different between genotypes within columns at p < 0.05. ns, non-significant. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001.