Effects of W on Golgi, mitochondria and plastids of cortex cells in the meristematic zone. (A). Control. Normal Golgi bodies (g) surrounded by numerous vesicles (arrowheads). ob = oil body. (B,C). Golgi bodies treated with 200 mg/L W for 12 h (B) and 24 h (C). In both treatments, Golgi bodies are similar in appearance, shorter than controls, highly contrasted and without any surrounding vesicles. D–F. Mitochondria (mt) of controls (D), 12-h (E) and 24-h (F) W-treated cortex cells. Control mitochondria display pleiomorphic shapes with profuse cristae (D), while in both W treatments they are oval and bear very few, barely viewable cristae in thin matrix (E,F). G–I. Plastids (pl) of control (G) and 24-h W-treated (H,I) cortex cells. Controls display varied morphology (G), while the W-treated ones are oval- or peanut-shaped, sparse stroma, without thylakoids or starch grains except for some remnants (arrow in I). Asterisks mark presumed protein deposits. ob = oil body, sg = starch grain. Scale bars: A, D, G, I = 0.5 μM; B, C, E, F, H = 0.2 μM.