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. 2014 Jan 2;2014(1):CD006569. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006569.pub5

Qin 2008.

Methods Allocation: randomised, no further details.
Blindness: unclear.
 Duration: one week wash‐out period and eight weeks intervention.
 Design: parallel.
 Setting: inpatient, China.
Participants Diagnosis: schizophrenia (CCMD‐3). PANSS of 60 or more.
 N = 60.
 Age: aripiprazole group: 21~45 years, mean = (32.1 ± 7.2) years; risperidone group: 24~53 years, mean = (35.2 ± 5.9) years.
Gender: aripiprazole group: 18 male, 12 female; risperidone group: 17 male, 13 female.
 History: aripiprazole group: 5~14 years; risperidone group: 5~16 years. Age at onset not reported.
Interventions 1. Aripiprazole: Dose range: 5‐30 mg/day. Mean dose: not reported. N = 30.
 2. Risperidone: Dose range: 1‐6 mg/day. Mean: not reported. N = 30.
Outcomes Global state: PANSS score decreased rate (recovery: ≥ 75%, markedly improved: 50%‐74%, improved: 25%‐49%, no effect: < 25%).
Mental state: PANSS total score.
Adverse effects.
Unable to use ‐
 Adverse effects: TESS total score, liver function, blood and urine routines, use of benzodiazepines, propranolol, and anticholinergic medication (no data).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Randomised, no further details.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not reported.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Not reported.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unclear if outcome was assessed blindly.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk No incomplete data.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Data on TESS total score, liver function, blood and urine routines, use of benzodiazepines, propranolol, and anticholinergic medication were missing.
Other bias Low risk None obvious.