Experimental timelines showing MDI exposed time points, sample collection and analysis in additional separate groups of mice (A). Serum total RNA were isolated by miRVana™ PARIS™ isolation kit, reverse transcribed, preamplified and subjected to TaqMan miR stem-loop qRT-PCR. Circulating miR expressions of candidate (B) mmu-miR-183-5p, (C) mmu-miR-206-3p, (D) mmu-miR-381-3p, (E) mmu-miR-127, (F) mmu-miR-192-3p, (G) mmu-miR-181a-1-3p, (H) mmu-miR-433-3p, (I) mmu-miR-744-3p, (J) mmu-miR-30d and (K) mmu-miR-153-3p changes were determined 4 days following 1% MDI/ACN exposure (N=3; bars, s.e.m). MDI: 4,4’-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate; Veh: Vehicle; ACN: acetone. (*P<0.05; **P<0.01).