Fig. 4 |. NeuE facilitates migration of NPC-derived newborn neurons.
a, A representative 3D image showing the distribution of DCX+ newborn neurons along NeuE at 1 week post-implantation. Yellow, blue and red colors represent DCX, DAPI and NeuE, respectively. Scale bar, 100 μm. Inset, Schematic showing the injection site, with dark blue, yellow and red colors indicating principal cell body layers, SGZ and NeuE, respectively. b, Magnified view of the green dashed box in a, demonstrating that some DCX+ cells show neurite spreading associated and aligned with the neurite-like NeuE structure (highlighted by white asterisks). Scale bar, 50 μm. c, Normalized DCX intensity at 0–20 μm near the NeuE or 20 μm mesh normalized against baseline values remote to the probe (gray dashed horizontal line; Supplementary Note 4). Each condition was repeated on three independent tissue volumes. Additional data are shown in Supplementary Figs. 20 and 21. All error bars reflect ±1 s.e.m. Top to bottom, P = 5×10−3 (**P < 1×10−2), P = 6×10−4 (***P < 1×10−3), P = 2×10−5 (****P < 1×10−4), P = 1.4×10−1 (NS, not significant, P > 5×10-2); two-tailed t-test.