Structural comparison of PA3944 with other GNATs from P. aeruginosa and other organisms with known functions. The structure of PA3944 is shown in red and black on the left of the structure being compared. The putative acceptor substrate binding region of PA3944 is colored red, and the CoA ligand is shown as black spheres. The corresponding PDB entry is shown, and gene names that correspond to the PDB entries are as follows: 1xeb (PA0115), 2fe7 (PA0478), 3owc (PA2578), 2cnm (RimI from Salmonella typhimurium), 1yre (PA3270), 2j8r (PA4866), 4l8a (PA4794), 4r87 (SpeG from Vibrio cholerae), 2eui (PA4026), 2vi7 (PA1377), 4ubr (PA4534), and 4r9m (SpeG from E. coli).